Originators (Apps/Wallets)

Integrating Memswap into your App

MemSwap is designed with integrating applications in mind. You can read more about the technical process of integrating MemSwap by checking out our App Integration Guide.

For Originators, there are some key features for originators worth revisiting:

Originator Fees

MemSwap is designed to give originators (swapping applications) the best possible options to capture fees, including flat percentage fees or a percentage of surplus.

Learn more about Orginator Fees.

MemSwap Swap Mode Selection

MemSwap requires that originators choose the appropriate swap mode for their users, or provide users with the flexibility to chose themselves.

  • Optimized - Leverages third party Matchmaker OFAs to get users the best price in the shortest amount of time
  • Trustless - Fully decentralized market orders
  • Private - Protect high-signal trades using private orders or programmable privacy

Originator-hosted Matchmakers

Originators may wish to host their own matchmaker rather than rely on a trusted third party. To do so, please check out our doc on Running a Matchmaker.