Solver Integration Guide

Solver Integration Guide

There are two types of intents solvers can opt-in to handle:

Regular intents

These are the easiest to solve and there are no external parties involved in solving such an intent. A solver can generate and execute a solution for such intents in any manner it prefers.

Matchmaker intents

Matchmaker intents requires a signed authorization from the matchmaker party in order to be able to execute the solution. Once such an intent is discovered, the solver can generate a solution and submit it to the matchmaker to participate in the “blind” auction for solving the intent. At the end of the auction period, if the solution provides a good price for the user compared to the other solutions, the matchmaker will submit a signed authorization to the solver, which can then relay the solution together with the authorization for execution.

The reference solver implementation (opens in a new tab) covers all of these.